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Version Activity Type Editor/Date Summary
71 Edit
70 Edit


69 Edit

Updated the most recent album released

68 Edit
67 Edit

2020 update.

66 Edit

spam removed

65 Edit
64 Edit
63 Edit
62 Edit
61 Edit

fixed broken link to team ghosts page

59 Revert
60 Edit
58 Revert
59 Edit
58 Edit
57 Edit
56 Edit
55 Edit
54 Edit

Oblivion added

53 Edit
52 Edit

added 2013 album

51 Edit

deleted tedtrivia spam.

50 Edit
49 Edit
47 Revert

The information about the new album and single was already added

48 Edit
47 Edit

Added info about forthcoming album and single

46 Edit
45 Edit
44 Edit
43 Edit
42 Edit

Improved biography

40 Revert

Reverting vandalism

41 Edit
40 Edit
39 Edit
38 Edit
37 Edit
36 Edit

"all three albums" -> "all five albums"

35 Edit

bbcode for yearformed

34 Edit

clarification, general updating

33 Edit


32 Edit
31 Edit


30 Edit
29 Edit
28 Edit

phrasing again

27 Edit


26 Edit

Various grammar fixes.

API Calls