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  • Born

    19 November 1987 (age 36)

Applescal's real name is Pascal Terstappen.

This ambitious bedroom-producer was born in 1987 in Haarlem, the Netherlands. He lived most of his life in Breda, where he came in touch with electronic music and software synthesizers. After four years of messing around he finally began to recognize the sounds of his computer as being the music he had always heard in his head.

Summer of 2007, Applescal moved to Amsterdam. In this city he combines his student’s life with his musical break trough. His live set already infected many music lovers. DJ’s like Sasha, Hernan Cattaneo, Laurent Garnier and Anthony Pappa already played his music in their sets.

With a unique sound and a lot of passion this youngster is tipped as one of the most upcoming talents in the scene.

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