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Des Rocs is an American rock artist from New York, New York. Des Rocs is a solo project produced and led by New York native Daniel Rocco. When touring Rocco is joined by his long time friends and bandmates, William Tully and Eric Mendelsohn. Des Rocs has toured with rock bands such as Muse, The Rolling Stones, and The Struts. Influences for Rocco include Muse, Elvis Presley, Jimi Hendrix, Roy Orbison, Kanye West, and Queen, though Rocco's focus is individuality and sounding unlike other rock artists. Rocco began performing in bars and basements from as early as 13 years old. Before starting Des Rocs, he had performed in the band Secret Weapons, which had opened for bands such as Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, and Weezer. Secret Weapons eventually went on permanent hiatus after bandmate Gerry Lang's health deteriorated with Lyme disease. He released his first EP, Let The Vultures In, in November 2018. In the spring of 2021, Des Rocs announced the Alive tour, and a virtual livestream concert (also called the "Des Rocs Alive Virtual Concert".) Kicking off in the Fall of 2021, the tour will span 20+ cities across the United States, ending in the New York City's Bowery Ballroom. During the virtual concert, which was the first live playthrough of This is Our Life, Des Rocs culminated with the track "Tick" from his yet-to-be-announced album. The track's lyrics also hinted at the title of the new album, A Real Good Person In A Real Bad Place. The album title and tracklist would be announced on July 30, 2021, coinciding with the release of the album's first single, "MMC" (Mickey Mouse Club). Des Rocs would release two more singles before the album's debut: "Imaginary Friends" and "Hanging by a Thread".

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