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    • The Hobbit

Spids Nøgenhat (Danish for Liberty Cap, the "magic" mushroom Psilocybe Semilanceata) is a Danish psychedelic rock band originally formed in 1993 by Morten Aron and Lorenzo Woodrose. In 2001 they released their first album "En Mærkelig Kop Te" ("A Strange Cup of Tea") which is considered a classic by Danish psych-fans. Henrik “Hobitten” Klitstrøm joined the band for their debut album.

In late 2008 the band reunited briefly for two concerts in Aalborg and Copenhagen. In 2011 the band played at Roskilde Festival, a concert which is to be released on vinyl later this year. Ten years after their first album they released their second album "Kommer Med Fred" ("Coming in Peace").

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