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The first track on the released Frances the Mute album. It is made up of four movements:

A: Sarcophagi
B: Umbilical Syllables
C: Facilis descenus averni
D: Con safo

"Facilis descenus averni" is Latin for "Easy Is the Descent into Hell", while "Con safo" is a Chicano term meaning "With Respect".

There's no official indication of where the song's movements begin and end, but one possibility is: "Sarcophagi" 0:00-0:45; "Umbilical Syllables" 0:45-4:16; "Facilis descenus averni" 4:16-8:16; "Con safo" 8:16-end. There are other possibilities, though "Sarcophagi" being the first forty-five seconds and "Con safo" including the closing instrumental section are necessitated by their reprises later in the album, ending off "Miranda That Ghost Just Isn't Holy Anymore" and "Cassandra Gemini" respectively.

In the story of the album, it follows the title track, "Frances the Mute", which was omitted from the album, but released on a separate single and on the single for "The Widow". It ha been rumoured that the band intended to have this plus the first four songs of the released album on one disc, with "Cassandra Gemini" by itself on the second, but the record company vetoed the idea of a double album.

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