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  • Release Date

    1 January 1986

  • Length

    7 tracks

Stars and Hank Forever was the second (and last) release in the American Composers Series by the avant garde band The Residents. The album was released in 1986. This particular release featured a side of Hank Williams songs and a medley of John Philip Sousa marches. This was also the last studio album to feature Snakefinger.

"Kaw-Liga" samples the rhythm to Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean" and did well in Europe; it is as close as the Residents ever got to a bona fide commercial hit.

The "Sousaside" features sound effects recorded by Philip Perkins to create the effect of a marching band on a happy occasion; "The Stars and Stripes Forever" was released in a mix without the effects as the B-side to the Kaw-Liga 7" single.

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