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New Rave (algumas vezes chamada de Nu Rave ou Neu Rave) é um termo aplicado a muitos tipos de musica, que vão da fusão de elementos do electronic, rock, indie, techno, hip house, electro, breakbeat. Na Australia, também é chamado de Electrindie.

A revista britânica de música NME é largamente responsavel por popularisar o termo em 2006 e 2007, e logo após postar uma na metade de 2008 uma reportagem chamada "New Rave is over" (new rave acabou). O genero teve conotações de sendo a 'nova' versão de 'rave' assim como sendo a corrupção do termo new wave.

Klaxons, Trash Fashion, New Young Pony Club, Hadouken!, Late of the Pier, Test Icicles, Bono Must Die and SHITDISCO são geralmente aceitados como expoentes do gênero.

The aesthetics of the New Rave scene are largely similar to those of the original rave scene, being mostly centred around psychedelic visual effects. Glowsticks, neon and other lights are common, and followers of the scene often dress in extremely bright and fluorescent colored clothing. Indeed, many consider New Rave to be defined more by the image and aesthetic of its bands and supporters, than by the somewhat vague sonic criteria. Trash Fashion lead singer, Jet Storm has been described as the scenes very own pin up. Nevertheless, the usage of electronic instruments, a musical fusion of rock and dance styles, and a particular anarchic, trashy energy are certainly key elements.

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